Rabu, 08 November 2017

December 15-16, 2017 INACELT IAIN Palangka Raya. We are inviting Teachers, Lectures, Students and Researchers to be Parallel Speakers and Participants on INACELT (International Conference on ELT "Incorporating Technology to Empower Teachers and Practitioners toward 21th Century ELT"   Click Here to Download Broshure
Keynote Speakers
* Spenser Edward Lemaich, M.A (English Language Fellow from RELO US Embassy)
* Ooi Choon Meng, M.Ed (Institute of Teacher Education (ITE), International Languages Campus Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)
* Assoc, Prof. Dr. Petter Jhon Wannner (Tohoko University, Japan)
*Dr. Mohd.Ghazali Bin Taib, M.A
Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) International Language Campus Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

* Prof. Dr. Maria A.Luardini, M.A. (University of Palangka Raya)
* Prof. Dr. Wahjuningsih Usadiati, M.Pd (University of Palangka Raya)
* Ismail S.Wekke, Ph.D (STAIN Sorong)
* Dr.Hj. Like Raskova Octaberlina,M.Ed (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, President of ELITE Association)
* Dr. Imam Qolyubi, M.Hum (IAIN Palangka Raya)
* Dr. Elaneri Karani, M.Pd (University of Palangka Raya)
* Santi Erliana, M.Pd (IAIN Palangka Raya)
* M.Zaini Miftah, M.Pd (IAIN Palangka Raya)

Followed by Workshop on
* Mendeley
* Fliiped-Classroom
* Project-based Teaching
* Internationaly-Published Article Writing
  Submission Guidelines 

<> Speaker
Important Steps for your registration: Please do finish all the steps on time to ensure that your paper is published successfully:
    1. Format your paper according to the Template carefully; 
    2. Download and complete the Registration Form
    3. Download INACELT Author guidelines
    4. Finish the payment. (The Payment information can be found in the Registration form)  
    5. Send your abstract to e-mail (200-250 words + Keywords) inacelt@iain-palangkaraya.ac.id  (By November 15, 2017)
    6. Send your final papers (both .doc and .pdf format), filled registration form (.doc format), and proof of payment to us at inacelt@iain-palangkaraya.ac.id. (By November 30, 2017) 
    7. Download INACELT Template for article
<> Participants
    1. Download and complete the Registration Form
      • Registration form for undergraduate Participant Click here
    2. Finish the payment. (The Payment information can be found in the Registration form) 
    3. Send your filled registration form and scanned proof of payment to us at inacelt@iain-palangkaraya.ac.id. (By November 15, 2017) or you pay the fee on the conference day (07:00-08:00 O’clock on the first conference day)
Important Dates and Deadline

* Abstract : 15 November, 2017
* Full Paper: 30 November., 2017
Time and Place
* Hall of IAIN Palangka Raya December 15-16, 2017
Registration Fee
* Pararel Speaker
  * Speaker : IDR 400.000, - "Including Workshop Fees"
  * Undergraduate Speaker; IDR 100.000,-
* Participant
  * Participant: IDR 100.000,-
  * Undergraduate Participant : IDR 25.000,-
* Bank Account Number : (BRI) 7599-01-0010-48-50-4

Payment Method

1. Bank transfer
PLEASE SCAN, and EMAIL your proof of bank transfer to inacelt@iain-palangkaraya.ac.id or BRING  it on the conference day.
2. On site
You can also pay the fee on the conference day (07:00-08:00 O’clock on the first conference day)

All papers will be published on Online Proceedings
Best Article will be published on Journal on English as Foreign Language (JEFL) Vol.08.No.01 March. 2018

* Akhmad Ali Mirza, M.Pd (085249118590)
* Santi Erliana, M.Pd (085751928592) 
Sumber:  http://english.ftik.iain-palangkaraya.ac.id/2017/11/pendaftaran-inacelt-iain-palangka-raya.html
Posted by UPT PENGEMBANGAN BAHASA On 05.50.00 No comments


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